Restraints and Safety Systems: Service Precautions
Airbag, Belt Tensioner and Battery Cut-Out Units, Storing, Transporting and Disposing
• Storage must conform to national legislation.
• Transport must conform to national and international guidelines, whereby packaging, identification and shipping documents are controlled to the greatest detail.
• Undeployed pyrotechnic components must be disposed of in an orderly manner, conforming to national legislation, in their original packaging! Direct questions to your importer!
• Only pyrotechnic components, which have been ignited completely, may be disposed in industrial waste.
• This does not apply to Wankel pre-load belt tensioners. Handle these as if they were undeployed pyrotechnic components such as airbags, seat belts and pyrotechnic battery disconnect components.
• Workshop equipment cannot determine if Wankel belt tensioners have deployed all pyrotechnic materials.