Convertible Top Drive Hydraulic Cylinder
Convertible Top Drive Hydraulic Cylinder
Injury risk.
• There must be no pressure inside the hydraulic system when performing the following work.
- Follow cleanliness rules. Refer to => [ Clean Working Conditions ] Clean Working Conditions.
- Remove side trim..
- Left: remove the subwoofer, if applicable.
- Close the convertible top until the displayed position of the top and the convertible top compartment cover is reached.
- Support the convertible top with a suitable wood stick.
- Turn off the ignition and press the convertible top operation switch (E137) - 1 - for approximately 5 seconds.
• The pressure in the hydraulic system will come down.
- Right: disconnect the connector - 2 - from the convertible top open position switch (F171).
- Push the clip down - 1 - and remove the bolt - 3 - from the convertible top main bearing on the opposite side.
- Disengage the hydraulic cylinder from the main bearing.
- Release the clip on the hydraulic cylinder - 1 - with a screwdriver and remove the bolt - 3 - to the side.
- Cut the cable tie from the main bearing.
- Remove the hydraulic cylinder upward out of the convertible top main bearing.
- If the hydraulic cylinder is being replaced:
• Removing the hydraulic line, refer to => [ Hydraulic Line On Cylinder ] Hydraulic Line On Cylinder.
• Right: remove the convertible top open position switch.
- If one hydraulic line is being replaced:
• Remove the hydraulic line from the hydraulic cylinder. Refer to => [ Hydraulic Line On Cylinder ] Hydraulic Line On Cylinder.
• Remove the hydraulic line from the valve block. Refer to => [ Hydraulic Line On Valve Block ] Hydraulic Line On Valve Block.
Install in reverse order of removal. Note the following:
- Right: Install the convertible top open position switch.
- Install the hydraulic line. Refer to => [ Hydraulic Line On Cylinder ] Hydraulic Line On Cylinder and => [ Hydraulic Line On Valve Block ] Hydraulic Line On Valve Block.
- Left: install the subwoofer, if applicable.
- Install side trim.
- Hydraulic system, filling and bleeding, refer to => [ Hydraulic System, Filling and Bleeding ] Hydraulic System, Filling and Bleeding.