Engine, Removing
Engine, Removing
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Pry Lever - Remove Outside Mirror (80 - 200)
• Used Oil Collecting and Extracting Device (V.A.G 1782)
• Step Ladder (VAS 5085)
• Engine Bung Set (VAS 6122)
• Scissor-Type Assembly Platform (VAS 6131 A) with Support Set (VAS 6131/10) and Supplementary Set (VAS 6131/11)
• Drip Tray (VAS 6208)
• Hose Clamps Up to 25 mm Dia. (3094)
• Hose Clip Pliers (VAS 6362)
• Tensioning Strap (T10038)
• With lock carrier installed, engine is removed downward with transmission and subframe.
• During installation, cable ties must be installed at the same location.
• Collect escaping coolant in a clean container for disposal or reuse.
Risk of vehicle tipping over with engine removed.
• Secure vehicle. Luggage compartment must be empty for this.
There is a risk of injury because the fuel is under very high pressure.
• Reduce the fuel pressure down to residual pressure before opening high pressure area of the fuel injection system.
- Reduce fuel pressure in high pressure area.
Danger of causing damage to electrical components when disconnecting the battery.
• Complete the steps for disconnecting the battery.
• Turn off the ignition and disconnect the battery.
• So that the front wheels can still be turned with the battery disconnected, the battery must only be disconnected with ignition key inserted.
• On vehicles with all-wheel drive, the electrical parking brake must be released before disconnecting the battery, so that the driveshaft can be rotated for removal.
- Disconnect the battery.
- Remove the engine covers - 1 - and - 2 - upward.
Risk of scalding due to hot steam and hot coolant.
• The coolant system is under pressure when the engine is warm.
• Cover the coolant reservoir cap with a cloth and then open it slowly to release the pressure in the system.
- Open the coolant reservoir cap.
- Remove both front wheels.
- Remove the noise insulation, to do this loosen the mounting parts - 1, 2, arrow -.
- Place the (VAS 6208) under engine.
- Open the drain plug - 1 - and drain the coolant.
- Disconnect the right, lower coolant hose from the radiator, to do this, lift the retaining clip - 2 -.
- Remove the coolant hose from the engine oil cooler by loosening the hose clamp - arrow - and letting the coolant drain out.
- Remove the coolant hoses from the left front coolant pipes; loosen the hose clamps - arrows - and letting the remaining coolant drain out.
• Ignore - 1 -.
• The installation location is shown with the lock carrier removed.
- Disconnect the connector - 1 - on the charge air cooling pump (V188) and free it up.
• Ignore items - 2, 3 - and - arrows -.
• The installation location is shown with the bumper cover removed.
- Disconnect the electrical connector - 1 - on the left electrohydraulic engine mount solenoid valve (N144).
• Ignore - arrows -.
- Pivot the tensioner clockwise - arrow - to release the tension on the ribbed belt.
- Remove the ribbed belt from the A/C compressor ribbed belt pulley and release the tension on the tensioning device.
- Disconnect the connector - 1 - for the wiring leading to the air conditioning compressor clutch solenoid.
Refrigerant can cause serious personal injury.
• Do not open the air conditioning refrigerant circuit.
- Remove A/C compressor bolts - arrows -.
Danger of damaging the refrigerant lines and hoses.
• Do not stretch, kink or bend refrigerant lines and hoses.
- Attach the A/C compressor with the lines still attached to the left side of the vehicle.
• To collect escaping hydraulic oil, lay a cloth under the hydraulic lines.
- Clamp the hydraulic hose for the power steering pump using the (3094).
- Loosen the hose clamp - 1 - and remove the power steering fluid hose.
- Remove the banjo bolt - 2 - on the power steering pump and lay the upper hydraulic oil line on the longitudinal member.
- Remove the bolts - arrows - and remove the torque support from the engine.
• Observe the rules of cleanliness for working on automatic transmissions.
- Place the (V.A.G 1782) under the disconnection point.
- Loosen the union nuts and remove the ATF pipes - 2 - and - 3 -.
• Ignore - 1 -.
- Remove the nut - arrow - for the ground (GND) cable on the right longitudinal member.
- Disconnect electrical connector - 2 - at secondary air injection (AIR) pump motor (V101) and free up electrical wiring.
• Ignore - 1 -.
- Remove bolt - arrow -.
- Disconnect the electrical connector to the engine coolant level (ECL) warning switch (F66) on the bottom of the coolant reservoir and lay the reservoir aside with the coolant hoses - 1 - and - 2 - attached.
- Free up the electrical wire.
- Remove the nuts - 1 - and then remove the left bracket from the plenum chamber bulkhead.
- Remove the nut - arrow - for the ground (GND) cable on the left strut tower.
- Remove the coolant hose and free it up, to do so, loosen the hose clamp - arrow -.
• Ignore items - 1 and 2 -.
- Remove the left front coolant hose in the engine compartment; to do so, lift the clips - arrows -.
- Remove the coolant hose - arrow - from the front coolant pipe by lifting the retaining clamp.
- Disconnect the vacuum hose leading to the leak detection pump (V144).
- Remove the bolts - arrows -, remove the air guides - 1 - and - 2 -.
- Remove the front secondary air hose - arrow - from its bracket and disconnect it; to do so, press the release buttons.
There is a risk of contamination.
• Note rules of cleanliness for working on the fuel injection system. Refer to => [ Clean Working Conditions ] Clean Working Conditions.
Risk of injury from fuel.
• To reduce fuel pressure, lay cloths around connecting point before opening fuel system and carefully loosen.
- Remove the fuel supply hose from the high pressure pump - arrow - and free it up.
- Free up the fuel line - 4 - and hose connection - 1 - from the EVAP canister on the air filter housing and on the air guide tube.
- Remove the vacuum hose - 2 - from the air guide hose connection.
- Remove the air guide pipe by loosening the hose clamp - 3 - and opening the clips - arrows -.
- Disconnect the electrical connector - 1 - on evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge regulator valve 1 (N80) and disconnect the vacuum hose - 2 - by pressing the release buttons.
- Remove the evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge regulator valve from the bracket and lay it aside with the hose connected.
- Disconnect the brake booster vacuum hose - arrow -.
- Open the clips - arrows - and remove the air filter housing upper section.
- Remove the pin from spreader clips - 2 -.
- Remove the air filter housing lower section and disconnect the secondary air pump hose - 1 -.
- Lift the clamp - arrow - and remove the coolant hose leading to the back of the heater core on the engine.
• To provide a better illustration, component location is shown from behind with engine removed.
- Remove the nuts - 3 - and then remove the right bracket from the plenum chamber bulkhead.
- Remove the nut - 1 - on the positive terminal.
- Remove the ground (GND) bolt - 2 -.
- Remove the seal - 1 - and remove the plenum chamber cover - 2 -.
- Remove the windshield wiper arms.
Danger of causing damage to the wind cowl.
• To prevent the cowl grille - 1 - from tearing when removing, coat transition between windshield and cowl grille with a soapy solution and pull the grille up vertically out of fastening strip beginning at edge of window.
- Remove the bolts - arrows - and remove the cowl panel trim from the windshield.
- Remove the bolts - 1 - and - 3 - and the tower brace - 2 -.
- Remove the brake booster vacuum line - arrow - on the plenum chamber bulkhead.
- Remove the bolts - arrows - and the left engine compartment E-box cover.
- Release the retainers, pull the fuse holder - 1 - and then the 3-socket relay carrier - 4 - upward.
- Disconnect the electrical connectors - 3 -.
- Disconnect the three front connectors - 2 - at the rear on the connector strip.
- Disengage the engine wiring harness on the E-box and free it up.
- Remove the bolts - arrows - and the right engine compartment E-box cover.
- Open the cover - 1 - with a screwdriver - arrow - and remove it.
Risk of burning on heater pump valve unit (at left in front of E-box).
• Wear protective gloves when working near heater pump valve unit.
- Using a screwdriver, carefully pry off the mounting clamp - 3 - - arrows 1 and 2 - and remove the engine control module from the E-box.
• Engine control module (ECM) remains connected at wiring harness.
- Unclip the suppression capacitor - 5 - from the bracket in the E-box.
- Disconnect the electrical connector - 4 - at the back on the connector strip.
- Disconnect the electrical wire connections - 1 - and - 2 -.
- Free up the electrical line up to the generator using the (80 - 200).
- Lay both wiring harnesses on the engine and secure the engine control module against falling down.
Danger of personal injury and of damage to the brake discs and wheel bearing.
• To loosen drive axle collar bolt, vehicle must not be resting on wheels.
• The brake discs must be secured from turning by 2 wheel bolts.
- Have a 2nd technician apply the brake pedal.
- Remove the left and right collar bolt - 2 - on the drive axle- 1 -.
- Remove the let and right drive axles from the transmission flange shaft.
- Remove the left and right nuts - 1 -.
- Remove the left and right bolts - 2 - and remove the stabilizer bar.
- Disconnect the electrical connector - 2 - on the left front level control system sensor (G78).
- Remove the nut - 1 - and remove the coupling rod from the control arm.
Risk of damaging axle joints on upper control arms.
• Support wheel bearing housing.
- Tie up wheel bearing housing using the (T10038) as shown in illustration.
- Remove the bolt - arrow - and remove the suspension strut from the control arm.
- Remove the guide control arm nut - 1 - and the control arm nut - 2 - on the subframe; then remove the bolts.
- Swivel the guide control arm - 1 - and the control arm - 2 - toward the outside.
The control arm and the guide control arm could be damaged if they are allowed to hang free.
• Tie the guide control arm and the control arm to the wheel bearing housing - arrows - as illustrated.
Risk of damaging brake line.
• Carefully remove the drive axle.
- Swivel the wheel bearing housing toward the outside and remove the drive axle.
- Repeat the procedure on the other side of the vehicle.
• Mark the installed position of the cable mounting bracket with a marker.
- Remove the selector lever cable ball socket - 1 - from the transmission shift lever.
- Remove the bolts - arrows - and remove the cable mounting bracket from the transmission.
- Free up the selector lever cable.
- Loosen the clamping sleeve - 1 - and - 2 - and slide it toward the rear.
- Remove the bolts - arrows - and remove the front transverse beam.
- Remove the bolts - arrows - and the driveshaft heat shield - A -.
- Remove the bolts for the driveshaft to transmission connection.
- Push driveshaft together with rear final drive. The constant velocity (CV) joints can move axially.
- Tie driveshaft up and to the side against heat shield - arrow -.
Prepare Scissor Lift Platform:
- Equip the (VAS 6131 A) with the support set (VAS 6131/10) and the (VAS 6131/11) as follows:
- Next secure mounting elements to scissor lift table by hand.
- Position the (VAS 6131 A) horizontally.
• Note the bubble level (sight glass) on support platform.
- Move the (VAS 6131 A) under the engine/transmission subassembly.
- Attach mounting elements from the (VAS 6131/10) at the front of the engine as shown in the illustration.
- Attach mounting elements from (VAS 6131/10) at left and right on subframe as illustrated.
- Attach mounting elements from the (VAS 6131/10) and (VAS 6131/11) at the back of the engine as illustrated.
- Rotate the mounting element spindles upward until all the mounting pins come into contact with the mounting points.
- Attach mounting element base plates to the (VAS 6131 A) and tighten to 20 Nm.
- Remove the bolts - arrows - on the tunnel crossmember.
• The installation location is shown with the front exhaust pipes removed.
- Remove the bolts - 1 -.
- Mark location of the subframe and both engine mount brackets to the longitudinal members with a felt-tip pen.
- Remove the bolts - 2, 3 and 4 - in diagonal sequence in steps.
Risk of damaging hose and wiring connections as well as engine compartment.
• Make sure all the hoses and lines between the engine, transmission, subframe and body have been disconnected.
• Carefully guide engine-transmission assembly with subframe out of engine compartment while lowering.
- Slowly lower the engine/transmission subassembly.
- Remove the (VAS 6131 A) with the engine/transmission subassembly under vehicle.