Diagram 26/7 (Tracks 71-84)
This manufacturer uses "Track" style wiring diagrams.
For information on how to use these diagrams effectively, please refer to Diagram Information and Instructions. Diagram Information and Instructions
Driver's Door Control Module, Mirror Adjustment Switch, Mirror Selector Switch, Mirror Adjustment (with fold-in function) Switch, Interior Monitoring Switch, Alarm System -Off- Switch
ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = lilac
ge = yellow
or = orange
rs = pink
E43 - Mirror Adjustment Switch
E48 - Mirror Selector Switch
E168 - Mirror Adjustment (with fold-in function) Switch
E183 - Interior Monitoring Switch
E217 - Alarm System -Off- Switch
J386 - Driver's Door Control Module Central Locking System
# - Not for USA
## - Only USA
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