Oil Pump and Lower Oil Pan Overview
Oil Pump and Lower Oil Pan Overview
Danger of catalytic converter damage.
• The oil level must not exceed the "MAX" marking.
• If large quantities of metal particles or abraded material are detected during engine repairs, it may mean the crankshaft or rod bearings are damaged. To prevent subsequent damage, the following work must be performed after the repair: Oil channels must be cleaned carefully; replace oil spray jets, engine oil cooler and oil filter.
• Oil injector jet for piston cooling, refer to => [ Oil Spray Jet For Piston Cooling ] Service and Repair.
1 Lower Oil Pan
• Removing and installing, refer to => [ Lower Oil Pan ] Lower Oil Pan
• With oil level thermal sensor (G266)
• Oil level thermal sensor, removing and installing, refer to => [ Oil Level Thermal Sensor (G266) ] Service and Repair
2 Bolt
• Replace
3 Bolt
• 8 Nm plus an additional 90° turn
• Replace
4 Oil Baffle
5 Oil Pump
• Do not disassemble
• With cold pressure relief valve 11 bar and pressure regulator valve 3.5 bar
• Removing and installing, refer to => [ Oil Pump ] Oil Pump
6 Bolt
• 23 Nm
7 Fitting Sleeves
8 Oil Pump Input Shaft
9 Support
10 Spring
11 Thrust Washer
12 Chain Sprocket for Oil Pump
• Installation position: lettering faces the engine
13 Bolt
• 60 Nm
• To loosen, counterhold on sprocket with spanner wrench (3212)
• If it is not possible to tighten the bolt to the specification, remove the lower oil pan and the oil baffle and counterhold the bolt with an open end wrench on the oil pump driveshaft.
14 Seal
• Replace
15 Oil Drain Plug
• 30 Nm
Oil Level Thermal Sensor (G266) Tightening Specification
- Tighten the nuts - 1 - to 9 Nm.
Lower Oil Pan, Tightening Specifications and Sequence
• Replace bolts which have been tightened to an additional torque.
- Tighten bolts in 3 stages as follows: