Rear Axle Camber, Adjusting
Rear Axle Camber, Adjusting
- Remove the nut - A - of threaded connection of the wheel bearing housing/control arm, and bolt on new nut until stop.
- Adjust the camber by rotating the adjusting bolt - B -. To turn the adjusting bolt - B -, turn the hex head at the top of the bolt.
Axle alignment specified values, refer to => [ Wheel Alignment Specified Values ] Wheel Alignment Specified Values.
• The maximum adjustment range is 135° to left or right of center position.
• Do not rotate the adjusting bolt - B - further once the end position has been reached or the components will be damaged.
• For a better illustration, camber adjustment is shown with wheel removed.
- Tighten nut - A - - item 9 - => [ (Item 9) Nut ] Upper Transverse Link, Tie Rod, Coil Spring, Lower Control Arm and Level Control System Sensor Overview.
- After tightening nut - A -, check camber value once more. Refer to => [ Wheel Alignment Specified Values ] Wheel Alignment Specified Values.