Hood Latch Overview
Hood Latch Overview
1 Hood Latch
• Loosen the bumper cover at the top.
• Disconnect the cable from the hood latch.
• Disconnect electrical connectors.
• Remove the bolts - 1 - and - 2 -.
• Move the hood latch in the oblong holes in the lock carrier to adjust the height of the hood.
2 Lock Carrier
3 Bolt
• 11 Nm
4 Hood Latch Electric Wire
Remove The Hood Latch
- Disconnect the connector - 4 - from the anti-theft alarm system.
- Disconnect the connector from the lock carrier.
- Remove the bolts - 3 -.
- Disconnect the hook from the cable - left arrow - and remove it with the guide downward from the hood latch - 1 -.
- Disconnect the release cable from the release lever - right arrow -.