Deployed Active Headrest, Checking for Damage
Deployed Active Headrest, Checking for Damage
- Read the number of times the active headrests have deployed in "Guided Fault Finding" or in "Guided Functions" Vehicle diagnostic tester.
- Check the back of the active headrest for cracks or breaks in the brackets and on the base plate - arrows -.
- Check a deployed active headrest from underneath for cracks or breaks in the braces - arrows -.
- See if there is a visible gap - arrow - between the cushion and the back of the headrest after the active headrest has been activated.
- Move the active headrest all the way up and all the down after activating it.
- Replace an active headrest when:
• Cracks or breaks have been found.
• There is a visible gap between the cushion and the back of the headrest after it has been activated.
• The counter has reached 25.
• The headrest cannot move any longer because it rods have gotten bent or are damaged.
- Replace the active headrest. Refer to => [ Power Headrests ] Power Headrests.