Heating and Air Conditioning: Tools and Equipment
Special Tools
Engine support bridge (10- 222 A) with the respective supplement set
Hose clamps up to diameter 25 mm (3094)
Special hook (3370)
Bit Xzn 10 (T10154)
Hex Ball Socket TORX TB 60 (T40087)
Pliers (T40147)
Release Tool for Air Conditioner Couplings (T40149)
Disassembly tool (T40232)
Cooling system tester (V.A.G 1274) (and corresponding adapter)
Engine and Transmission Lifter (V.A.G 1383 A)
Adapter Cable From the Connector Test Kit (V.A.G 1594 C)
Multimeter (V.A.G 1715)
DSO Measuring Lead 1 & 2 (VAS 5051/8)
Ultrasound A/C Cleaner (VAS 6189).
Cleaning Fluid (VAS 6189/1)
Locking pliers (VAS 6199)
Commercial compressed-air gun with rubber end piece
Hose clip pliers (VAS 6340) (or spring type clip pliers (VAS 5024/) )
Edition 04182012