Side Window
Side Window
Undamaged side window, removing
In window separation area, protect side panel and roof against paint damage with adhesive tape.
- Remove the roof trim molding and the side decorative trim molding. Refer to => [ Roof Trim Strip ] Roof Trim Strip.
Roof trim molding must not be bent.
- Route the cutting wire around the side window as shown in the illustration.
- Secure X and Y ends in two pull grips from special tool Cutting Tools For Glass (V.A.G 1351).
- Pull cutting wire forward in direction of arrow - A - using light sawing motions and cut through lower adhesive sealing material at side panel and at roof frame.
- In this way, first the securing pin on the rear of the window and then the adhesive bead are cut through.
- Then pull cutting cord through in direction of arrow - B - downward through adhesive sealing material.
- Remove window from window opening.
Broken Side Window, Removing
- Protect body and interior from glass splinters.
- Bond flange all around with fabric reinforced adhesive tape.
- Remove glass pieces from adhesive material.
When removing a window, always wear protective eye wear and leather gloves.
- Remove adhesive material (with glass residue) from window opening using electric cutter (V.A.G 1561A) and knife (V.A.G 1561/11) (with stopper roll).
Preparations for installing side window
- When reusing an undamaged window, cut remaining adhesive sealing material on window and flange using a carpet knife so that it is even, but do not remove completely!
• Residual material acts as a base for the new adhesive sealing material.
• Keep adhesive surface free of dirt and grease.
• Only cut back adhesive surface shortly before installation.
• Do not prime or use a cleaning solution on the adhesive surface.
With new window:
- Clean adhesive surfaces all the way around with cleaning solution (D 009 401 04).
- Apply the glass/paint primer (D 009 200 02) to the adhesive surface all the way around.
• Curing time 10 minutes.
Side Window, Installing
- The roof trim molding and side trim molding must be installed before installing the side window.
• Cross-section thickness of adhesive bead is determined by dimension of opening in nozzle tip and rate of application.
Dimensions for adhesive application:
1. Adhesive sealing material
2. Glass/paint primer
3. Window
• Dimension - a - = 8 mm +2 mm
• Dimension - b - = 12 mm +3 mm
• Distance - c - = to window edge is given through the window molding.
- Position complete surface of nozzle - 2 - onto window.
• Application direction - arrow - for adhesive bead - 1 -.
- Apply adhesive sealing material all around near window molding.
- With an undamaged removed window, apply adhesive to remaining bead.
• Use 1K Window Adhesive (DH 009 100 03) (small cartridge), or 2K Window Adhesive Kit (DA 004 600 A2) can also be used if more than one window must be bonded.
- If the window is new, first insert the securing pin in the C-pillar, D-pillar and then press the window into the cut-out.
If a side window is going to be re-installed, then secure it to the C-pillar and D-pillar with adhesive tape.
- Observe minimum curing time. Refer to => [ Minimum Curing Times ] Minimum Curing Times.