Dryer Cartridge
Dryer Cartridge
• There are different condenser versions and the dryer cartridge installed inside them. Pay attention to the correct allocation, refer to => [ Condenser, Checking Version ] Testing and Inspection and to the Parts Catalog.
• The reservoir may be attached to or integrated in the condenser, depending on the version of the condenser. Replace an attached reservoir. Refer to => [ Fluid Reservoir ] Fluid Reservoir.
- Turn off the ignition.
- Drain the refrigerant circuit.
• Depending on the allocation of the service connection an on the refrigerant line, and on the version of the vehicle, it may be necessary to remove the additional reinforcement on the left suspension strut dome so that the service coupling of the service station can be connected (for example, on the Audi Q5).
- Remove the bolts (or clips) - 1, 2, 3 and 5 -. Refer to Removal and Installation.
- Remove the cover - 4 - from the lock carrier and disengage the radiator grille.
- Remove the bolts - arrows -.
- Remove the air guide - 1 - on the flange - 2 - for the air filter housing.
- Remove the front noise insulation..
• It may be necessary to remove the bumper cover first before removing the front noise insulation, for example, on the Audi A4 allroad..
- Remove the front end piece on the bumper cover (depending on the vehicle version, for example currently not necessary on the Audi Q5). Refer to Removal and Installation.
With charge air cooler or engine oil cooler, installed under the condenser
- Remove the condenser. Refer to All Except Hybrid and RS5 => [ Condenser ] Condenser or RS5 => [ Condenser ] Condenser.
Vehicles, where it is not necessary to remove the condenser in order to remove the dryer cartridge - D -:
• Refrigerant must be extracted from refrigerant circuit before removing sealing cap - A -. If the plastic screw - A - is not removed within 10 minutes, pressure may form in the refrigerant circuit due to evaporation. Extract refrigerant once more.
- Check the refrigerant circuit pressure using, for example, a pressure gauge from the A/C Service Station.
Only remove the plastic screw - A - when the pressure in the refrigerant circuit is the same or less than the ambient pressure.
- Remove the plastic screw - A - (with filter - C -) (tightening specification: 2 Nm).
- Remove the dryer cartridge - D - downward and out of the condenser.
• Seal the open connection on the condenser with the plastic screw - A - to prevent dirt and moisture from getting in.
Installation is done is reverse order, observe the following:
• Check the reservoir on the condenser above the opening - E - for dirt.
• Make sure the reservoir thread - E - on the condenser is not dirty or damaged.
• Replace the plastic screw - A - (with filter - C -), the dryer cartridge - D - and the O-ring - B -.
• Coat the O-ring - C - lightly with refrigerant oil before installing. Refer to => [ Refrigerant Circuit O-rings ] Refrigerant Circuit O-Rings.
• Make sure the O-ring - B - fits correctly inside the groove on the plastic screw - A -.
• Keep the dryer cartridge - D - sealed in its air-tight package as long as possible. Open the package just before installing the dryer cartridge into the condenser. The dryer cartridge absorbs moisture in a very short time and become unusable.
- Remove the dryer cartridge - D - from its original package.
- Insert the dryer cartridge - D - into the condenser reservoir.
- Install the plastic screw - A - (with filter - C -) (tightening specification: 2 Nm).
- Install the condenser, the front bumper cover end plate, etc. (depending on the vehicle version). Refer to Removal and Installation.
- Install the front noise insulation..
• It may be necessary to remove the bumper cover first before removing the front noise insulation, for example, on the Audi A4 allroad..
- Discharge and fill the refrigerant circuit.
- Install remaining components.
- Switch on the ignition.
- Check the Climatronic control module (J255) display and control head DTC memory and erase any displayed malfunctions if necessary. Refer to the Vehicle diagnostic tester in "Guided Fault Finding".
- Operate the A/C system after filling the refrigerant circuit. Refer to => [ A/C System, Operating after Filling Refrigerant Circuit ] A/C System, Operating after Filling Refrigerant Circuit.
• Note the information regarding operating the A/C system after filling.