Side Window
Side Window
Removing Undamaged Side Window
• To prevent damage to paint when removing and installing trim molding, cover area below side window and on side panel using adhesive tape.
• Remove the upper trim on the C-pillar and D-pillar and secure the electrical connections for the antenna to the side window with adhesive tape.
Vehicles with High Gloss Roof Trim Molding
- Roof trim molding and side trim molding removed. Refer to => [ Roof Trim Strip Assembly Overview ] .
Vehicles with Standard Roof Trim Molding
- Unclip the roof trim molding on the roof around the side window.
- Route the cutting wire around the side window as shown in the illustration.
- Secure X and Y ends in two pull grips from special tool cutting tools for glass (VAG 1351).
- Pull cutting wire forward in direction of arrow - A - using sawing motions and cut through lower adhesive sealing material at side panel and at roof frame.
- In this way, first the securing pin on the rear of the window and then the adhesive bead are cut through.
- Then pull cutting cord through in direction of arrow - B - downward through adhesive sealing material.
- Remove window from window opening.
Removing Damaged Side Window
- Protect body and interior from glass splinters.
- Bond flange all around with fabric reinforced adhesive tape.
- Remove glass pieces from adhesive material.
When removing a window, always wear protective eyewear and leather gloves.
- Remove adhesive material (with glass residue) from window opening using electric cutter (VAG 1561A) and knife (VAG 1561/11) (with stopper roll).
Preparation for Installing Side Window
- When reusing an undamaged window, cut remaining adhesive sealing material on window and flange using a carpet knife so that it is even, but do not remove completely!
• Residual material acts as a base for the new adhesive sealing material.
• Keep adhesive surface free of dirt and grease.
• Only cut back adhesive surface shortly before installation.
• Do not prime or use a cleaning solution on the adhesive surface.
With New Window
- Clean window all around in adhesive area using cleaning solution (D 009 401 04).
- Apply glass and paint primer (D 009 200 02) all around in adhesive area.
• Curing time 10 minutes.
Installing Side Window
- The roof trim molding and side trim molding must be installed before installing the side window.
- Install the side window and centering pins into the window flange and press it all the way into the body.
• Side window without centering pins must be secured to the body with adhesive tape.