Brake Pad: Service and Repair
Exploded View:
- Remove front wheels.
- Pull off brake pad wear indicator plug on left side.
- Unscrew bolt (2).
- Replace self-locking bolt.
- Counterhold on guide pin.
Installation note:
- Tightening torque: 30-35 Nm (22-25 ft lbs).
- Turn up brake caliper.
- Remove brake pads.
Installation note:
- Check pads and pad thickness.
- Push back brake pistons completely.
Important: Be careful not to damage dust cover on brake piston when assembling.
- Check dust cover.
- Check installed position of springs (4).
- Drive out pin of brake pad wear indicator carefully.
- Check circlip (5) when reusing.
- Replace pad wear indicators which have ground off plastic part.
- Reverse procedure to install.
NOTE: For additional information see Removal, and Installation Notes. Fundamentals and Basics