Suspension Control ( Automatic - Electronic ): Adjustments
- Load the centre of the vehicle trunk (near the rear bulkhead) with at least 150 kg.
- Place the rear wheels on the turntable of the axle alignment test jig or move the vehicle.
- Chock front wheels.
- Place speed selector in neutral and release parking brake.
- Switch on ignition.
- After the control procedure has been completed measure the actual vehicle height A between wheel arch edge (1) and wheel rim (2) in the centre of the wheel. Specified value *)
- If there is a deviation from the specified value:
• Release locknuts and uncouple balljoints socket.
• One turn of the socket results in a height change of approx. 6 mm.
• Shortening the control rod increasing vehicle height.
• Reconnect the control rod and lock the locknut.
• Recheck vehicle height.