COOLANT TYPEThe cooling system of BMW cars must only be filled with reputable brand name ethylene glycol long-term antifreeze having corrosion inhibitors that are compatible with aluminum radiators.
BMW Anti-Freeze/Coolant contains no nitrites or phosphates and has been formulated to prevent excessive silicate drop-out. BMW Part No.82 14 1 467 704.
Do not mix BMW Anti-Freeze/Coolant with different antifreezes which contain nitrites and/or phosphates and a high silicate formulation.
Initial Filling
Down to -34°F (-37°C). Antifreeze ratio of 50% antifreeze and 50% water.
Down to -62°F (-52°C). Antifreeze ratio of 60% antifreeze and 40% water.
Do not exceed a 60% ratio of antifreeze.