Engine: Service and Repair
Prior to disconnecting fuel lines, disconnect master relay and carefully depressurize fuel system.
Mark installation position of components, electrical connectors and hoses prior to removal.
1. Disconnect positive and negative cables from battery and harness lead from battery cable terminal, then drain cooling system.
2. Raise and support vehicle. Disconnect exhaust system and remove transmission, then drain engine block.
3. Lower vehicle, remove power steering pump retaining bolts and secure pump aside leaving hoses connected.
4. Disconnect lower radiator hose and electrical connectors from radiator temperature switches.
5. Remove screws securing fan shroud, separate shroud from radiator, then disconnect upper radiator hose and expansion tank hose.
6. On models with automatic transmission, disconnect and plug cooler lines.
7. Remove radiator mounting bolts and disconnect hood cable, then lift radiator from engine compartment and remove fan shroud.
8. Loosen A/C compressor tensioner bolts and disconnect drive belt.
9. Remove A/C compressor bracket bolts, then secure compressor and bracket aside, leaving hoses connected.
10. Remove hood supports and install suitable locks to secure hood in open position.
11. Disconnect accelerator, cruise control and transmission cables from throttle lever and brackets, and vacuum hoses from throttle body.
12. Loosen clamp securing intake duct to throttle body, disconnect electrical connector and intake duct from air flow sensor, release harness retaining strap and remove air flow sensor.
13. Remove relay board covers and cap, relays and release harness retaining straps.
14. Disconnect and plug fuel lines, and the evaporative emission hose, then remove support bracket.
15. Disconnect heater hoses from engine.
16. Disconnect ground straps between engine and chassis.
17. Disconnect electrical connectors from idle and fuel injection control units, and check panel connector from engine control harness, release straps securing harness to firewall, and pull engine control harness out into engine compartment.
18. Disconnect vacuum hoses and electrical connectors from firewall mounted ignition control components, then secure harness to engine.
19. Remove motor mount nuts and disconnect remaining ground straps, then remove engine using suitable lifting equipment.
20. Reverse procedure to install.