Engine: Service and Repair
Prior to disconnecting fuel lines, disconnect master relay and carefully depressurize fuel system.
Mark installation position of components, electrical connectors and hoses prior to removal.
1. Disconnect positive and negative cables from battery and harness lead from battery cable terminal.
2. Disconnect engine compartment lamp and supports from hood.
3. Mark installation position of hood hinges and insert a suitable insulator between hood and header panel.
4. Support hood, then remove hood hinge bolts and the hood.
5. Raise and support vehicle, disconnect exhaust system and remove transmission.
6. Open radiator drain and remove block drain plug, drain cooling system, then lower vehicle.
7. Secure fan pulley, then remove fan retaining nut and the fan and clutch assembly. Pulley retaining nut has left hand threads.
8. Disconnect lower radiator hose and electrical connectors for radiator temperature sensors.
9. Disconnect upper radiator hoses and remove screws securing fan shroud.
10. On models with automatic transmission, disconnect and plug cooler lines.
11. Remove radiator mounting bolts, radiator and fan shroud.
12. Remove power steering pump bolts and secure pump aside leaving hoses connected.
13. Remove bolts securing A/C compressor to bracket, then secure compressor aside leaving hoses connected.
14. Remove battery.
15. Disconnect electrical connectors from air flow sensor and release harness from clips, loosen clamp securing duct to throttle body, then remove air flow sensor/air cleaner assembly.
16. Remove right radio speaker cover and disconnect glove box retaining straps.
17. Disconnect electrical connectors from idle and fuel injection control units and check panel and trip computer connectors from control harness.
18. Remove master relay and screw securing relay socket to firewall, disconnect oxygen sensor connector and remove harness lead from bracket, release harness retaining straps, then pull engine control harness through firewall into engine compartment and secure harness to engine.
19. Disconnect primary and secondary leads from ignition coil and distributor leads from body harness, then release wiring retainers.
20. Disconnect engine harness along with necessary relay sockets from connections at relay board and secure harness to engine.
21. Disconnect and plug fuel hoses.
22. Disconnect accelerator, cruise control and transmission cables, as equipped, and secure cables aside.
23. Disconnect heater hoses and all vacuum hoses between engine and body.
24. Remove upper radiator hose and connect suitable lifting equipment to engine.
25. Remove left and right engine mount nuts and the engine damper, then lift engine from vehicle.
26. Reverse procedure to install.