Campaign - Rear Wheel Hub Improper Machining: Overview
Group 33Rear Suspension
Bulletin Number
33 01 95 (4202)
Woodcliff Lake, NJ
June 1995
Product Engineering
This Service Information bulletin supersedes Orange S.I. 33 01 95 (4202), dated March 28, 1995, which should be removed from your S.I. binder and discarded.
Rear Wheel Hub
The splining of either of the two rear axle output shafts ("half-shafts") may not be machined to proper tolerances. This could result in the wheel mounting flange not being properly centered, which can lead to wheel bearing damage.
Vehicles Involved:
ONLY the vehicles listed below are involved in the inspection/repair.
In order to determine if a specific vehicle still requires inspection for this Service Action, it will be necessary to check on DCS. Based on the response of the system, either proceed with the inspection or take no further action.
BMW will notify customers in possession of affected vehicles via letter, a sample of which is included.
As soon as an affected vehicle comes into the workshop for any maintenance or repair, or whenever a customer presents a notification letter, the vehicle must be inspected per the attached procedure.
If either half-shaft is found to be out of specification, the car must not be delivered to the customer until the necessary repairs have been performed.
Instructions for inspection of the vehicles are enclosed as Attachment 1. Instructions for repair of vehicles found to be out of specification are enclosed as Attachment 2.
Parts Required:
Two hub nuts (P/N 33 41 1 133 785) have been sent to all dealers that were wholesaled an affected vehicle. Before attempting an inspection of an affected vehicle, a dealer must have two of these nuts on hand.
Since only approximately 10% of the axles inspected will require a repair, the remaining parts should not be ordered until an inspection has determined that parts are need. A VOR order can then be placed, and the customer provided with alternate transportation for a day.
The following parts are those required to repair one wheel. It is possible that a particular vehicle will require two sets of these parts.
Description Part Number Quantity
Half-shaft 33 21 2 227 272 1
Torx Screw 33 21 1 227 665 6
Shim 33 21 1 209 543 3
Wheel Hub 33 41 1 138 581 1
Wheel Bearing 33 41 1 137 685 1
Service Action Label Instructions:
This Service Action is assigned code number 137. After the vehicle is checked, and corrected if necessary, obtain a label (SD 92050) and:
a) Emboss your BMW dealer warranty number in the middle of the label (1).
b) Punch out code number 137 printed on the label (2).
c) Bend the label to crease an edge and remove the backing paper. Then affix the label to the B pillar as shown:
If the vehicle already has a label from a previous Service Action/Recall Campaign, affix the label next to the old one. Do not affix one label on top of another one because a number from an underlying label could appear in the punched-out hole of the new label.
Warranty Status:
Covered under the terms of the BMW New Car Warranty. Reimbursement for this Service Action will be via Campaign Entry.
Defect Code: 00 33 01 11 00
Work Package # 5: Inspection of both half-shafts
Labor Operation: 0051 097 Checking both half-shafts
Labor Allowance: 9 FRU
Parts Allowance: 33 41 1 133 785 Qty=2 Hub Nuts
Work Package # 6: Checking both half-shafts and replacing related parts on one wheel.
Labor Operation: 00 51 098 Checking both half shafts and replacing related parts on one wheel.
Labor Allowance: 30 FRU
Parts Allowance:
33 21 2 227 272 Qty=1 Half-shaft
33 21 1 227 665 Qty=6 Torx Screw
33 21 1 209 543 Qty=3 Shim
33 41 1 138 581 Qty=1 Wheel Hub
33 41 1 137 685 Qty=1 Wheel Bearing
33 41 1 133 785 Qty=2 Hub Nuts
Work Package # 7: Checking both half-shafts and replacing related parts on two wheel.
Labor Operation: 00 51 099 Checking both half shafts and replacing related parts on two wheels.
Labor Allowance: 48 FRU
Parts Allowance:
33 21 2 227 272 Qty=2 Half-shaft
33 21 1 227 665 Qty=12 Torx Screw
33 21 1 209 543 Qty=6 Shim
33 41 1 138 581 Qty=2 Wheel Hub
33 41 1 137 685 Qty=2 Wheel Bearing
33 41 1 133 785 Qty=2 Hub Nuts