Cylinder Head Remove and Install
BMW anti-theft radios can be rendered useless by disconnecting the battery. Make sure you know the correct code before disconnecting the battery. See your owner's manual for more information.
- Disconnect battery ground lead.
- Unscrew splash guard.
- Drain coolant on engine and radiator.
Installation Note: Fill and bleed cooling system.
- Loosen hose clamp (1) and hose clamp for the intake hose (next to radiator), and pull off hoses.
- Pull off plugs (2 and 3) and place electric leads aside.
- Loosen nuts (4 and 5) and remove air cleaner.
- Disconnect throttle cable (1) and cruise control cable (2).
- Unscrew nuts (2) on holder and place cables with holder side.
- Unscrew nut (3), pull off clamp and lift vacuum hose (4) out of brake booster.
- Loosen hose clamp (1) and pull hose off of intake manifold.
- Unscrew nut (2) on intake manifold support.
- Loosen hose clamp (1) and pull off hose.
- Unscrew nuts and take off intake manifold.
Installation Note:
- Check O-rings, replacing if necessary.
- Tightening torque: 9.0 Nm (6.5 ft.lbs.).
- Loosen hose clamps (1 and 2) and pull hoses off of coolant expansion tank.
- Unscrew nut (3) and take off ground strap.
- Pull ignition lead (1) off of ignition coil.
- Pull off plugs (2 and 3).
- Unscrew nut (4) and place electric lead on opposite end of engine.
- Pull off plugs (1 and 2).
- Pull vacuum hose (3) off of pressure regulator.
- Unscrew screw (4) and take off electric lead with holder.
- Pull off vacuum hose (1) and plug (2).
- Lift out rubber holder (3).
- Place idle speed control aside and take engine wire harness located behind it out of holder.
- Pull off plug plate on fuel injectors and place aside next to the pressure regulator.
- Loosen clamp (1) and pull off breather hose.
- Disconnect fuel hoses (2 and 3) on the injection pipe.
- Disconnect heater hose (4) on the cylinder head.
Installation Note: Don't mix up hoses (2 and 3).
- Loosen clamp (1) and pull off of cylinder head.
- Unscrew flange bolts.
- Disconnect oxygen sensor plug.
Installation Note:
- Replace gaskets.
- Replace self-locking nuts.
- Tightening torque: 50 Nm (37 ft.lbs.).
- Loosen hose clamps and pull off radiator hoses.
- Remove camshaft, Remove and Install Camshaft.
- Pull out cam followers and place in tray, using Special Tool 11 3 030.
Installation Note: Install cam followers in same positions.
- Unscrew bolts.
Installation Note: Longer bolt (1) is required to secure the shaft for the upper tensioning rail.
- Disconnect pipe (2).
- Unscrew bolt (3).
- Unscrew timing case.
Installation Note:
- Replace O-ring (2) in oil bore.
- Check O-rings (3), replacing if necessary.
- Coat sealing surfaces with Three Bond 12 07.
- Tighten bolts uniformly. Tightening torque:
M 7 = 15 + 2 Nm (11 + 1.4 ft.lbs.).
M 8 = 21 + 1 Nm (15 + 0.7 ft.lbs.).
Measuring Play of Cam Followers
- Measure diameter of cam follower with a micrometer.
- Set internal calipers to zero on the micrometer to the measure cam follower bore diameter.
- Measure diameter of cam follower bore.
- Compare measured cam follower play with specified play.
- Cam follower play/installed distance: 0.0025 to 0.066 mm (0.0001 to 0.0026").
- Unscrew bolts.
- Unscrew cylinder head bolts in order of 10 through 1 and lift off cylinder head.
- Clean cavities in crankcase/cylinder head bolts - lubricate cylinder head bolts with oil.
- Clean sealing surfaces on cylinder head and crankcase thoroughly - use a gasket remover and hard wood scraper.
- Check levelness with a standard steel ruler.
- Replace cylinder head gasket.
- Check tensioning rail location while mounting the cylinder head.
- Tighten bolts in three steps in order of 1 though 10.
Step 1 = 50 + 2 Nm (36 + 1.4 ft.lbs.).
Step 2 = 80 + 2 Nm (58 + 1.4 ft.lbs.).
Wait 15 minutes!
Step 3 = 100 + 2 Nm (72 + 1.4 ft.lbs.).
- Reinstall all auxiliary components in reverse order of disassembly, paying close attention to installation notes and torque specs.
- Adjust valve clearance,Valve Clearance.
- Check engine idle speed and CO level.