Manual Bleeding
WARNING: Brake fluid is poisonous. Avoid exposure to skin, eyes, and mouth.CAUTION: Brake fluid damages painted surfaces. Avoid contact of all painted surfaces.
NOTE: On vehicles equipped with anti-lock brake systems (ABS), pump brake pedal at least 12 times before opening bleeder valve.
- Remove brake master cylinder cap. Fill master cylinder reservoir to maximum level. Replace reservoir cap.
- Have a helper pump the brake pedal slowly 3 or more times (12 or more times for vehicles with ABS). Hold the pedal down on the last stroke.
TORQUE: 7mm bleeder valves to 3.5 - 5.0 Nm (31 - 44 in lb).
TORQUE: 9mm bleeder valves to 4.0 - 6.0 Nm (35 - 53 in lb).
- Loosen right rear bleeder valve 1/2 turn. When brake fluid stops flowing, close bleeder valve.
- Repeat step 3 until brake fluid flows clear and without air.
- Repeat steps 1 thru 4 and bleed remaining brakes in the following order. Left rear, right front, and left front.
- Remove brake master cylinder cap. Properly fill brake master cylinder reservoir. Install cap.