Engine: Service and Repair
REMOVING ENGINECAUTION: Disconnecting the battery will cancel (clear) the memory of control units which have diagnostic trouble code capabilities. Be sure to interrogate all control units for possible diagnostic trouble codes prior to disconnecting the battery.
BMW anti-theft radios can be rendered useless by disconnecting the battery. Make sure you know the correct code before disconnecting the battery. See your owner's manual for more information.
- Disconnect negative battery lead.
- Remove transmission.
- Remove radiator and expansion tank.
CAUTION: To avoid damaging heater connections on the engine compartment wall, Special Tool 00 0 200 used for transmission removal or Special Tool 11 0 010 must remain Installed until the engine is suspended on Special Tool 11 0 000.
- Raise hood to mounting position
- Remove air mass sensor complete with intake bellows and upper air cleaner section on left and right sides.
- Unscrew and place windshield washing fluid tank aside.
- Let oil run out of the oil filter into the oil pan by unscrewing the oil filter cap.
Installation Note: Replace gasket.
- Unscrew oil pipes on oil filter.
- Pull off plug.
Installation Note: Replace seals.
- Unclip diagnostic plug.
- Disconnect ignition leads and connections on left and right ignition coils.
- Unscrew right ignition coil.
- Unscrew lead for D+ (thin lead) on the alternator and pull out of rubber cap.
- Disconnect oil level sender plug.
- Pull both plugs off of tank venting valves.
- Disconnect hose.
CAUTION: Don't mix up plugs.
- Pull off oil catching tray
- Pull off plugs (1 ... 4).
Installation Note:
1 = Pulse sender Cyl. 1 ... 6
2 = Cyl. Identifier Cyl. 1 ... 6
3 = Cyl. Identifier Cyl. 7... 12
4 = Pulse sender Cyl. 7... 12
- Unscrew bracket.
- Pull plugs out of holders.
- Pull plugs off of fuel injectors.
- Disconnect plugs on left and right throttle valve assemblies.
- Unscrew electric lead duct on rear end of engine.
- Pull vacuum hoses off of pressure regulators
Installation Note: Note arrangement of hoses.
- Pull off both plugs on air intake manifolds.
- Pull off plugs on temperature sensors on rear end of engine.
1 Temperature sensor - DME
2 Temperature sensor - EML
3 Temperature sensor - temp. gage
- Lift off and move back electric lead duct.
- Unscrew connection for alternator on B+ connection point.
- Unscrew connections for starter at connection point on right wheel house.
- Unscrew AC compressor on engine.
- Hoses remain connected.
- Mount side of AC compressor on wheel house.
- Unscrew cool air guide for alternator.
- Unscrew fuel pipes (1 ... 2)
Installation Note:
Arrangement of Fuel Pipes:
1 = Cylinders 1 ... 6
2 = Cylinders 7 ... 12
- Unscrew fuel return pipe on rear end of engine to the right.
- Unscrew heat shields on left and right thrust struts.
- Unscrew heat shields on right exhaust manifolds.
- Unscrew right exhaust pipes on exhaust manifolds and remove.
CAUTION: Tighten exhaust pipes only after installation of the engine and complete exhaust assembly.
Installation Note:
- Replace self-locking nuts.
- Lubricate tapers of flanges with CRC copper paste.
- Press springs (2) fiat uniformly by tightening nuts (1) with a torque of 10 Nm (7 ft. lbs.).
- Loosen nuts (1) 1 and 1/2 turns afterwards.
- Flanges must be parallel to each other after finishing installation.
- Springs must not be pressed flat.
- The pipe with compensator must be tightened last due to the danger of torsion.
- Draw oil out of power steering pump's supply tank.
- Unscrew hose on supply tank.
- Unscrew holder for ASC+T pipe and starter support on engine block.
- Lift out starter.
- Unscrew pipe for ASC+T on filter.
- Unscrew holder and hydraulic fluid pipe on power flow regulator.
- Disconnect heater hoses on coolant manifold and coolant pipe between the heater wall and engine.
CAUTION: Special Tool 11 0 010 must be inserted before removing Special Tool 00 0 200, as otherwise the engine would bear on and could damage the connectors of the heater.
- Remove Special Tool 00 0 200.
- Attach Special Tool 11 0 000 on suspension holders.
- Unscrew ground strap on right engine support arm.
- Unscrew left and right engine mounts.
- Remove guide tube for oil dipstick.
Installation Note: Check position of seal and washer.
- Lift engine slightly and unscrew right engine bracket.
- Lift engine and turn rear end to the right.
- Guide left exhaust pipes past the steering spindle while lifting out the engine.
- Reinstall engine and components in reverse order of disassembly, paying close attention to installation notes and torque specs.
Installation Note: Cars with Automatic Transmission, place oil cooler pipes in correct position before installing the engine.