Power and Ground Distribution: Service and Repair
Replacing Wiring Harnesses
1 Earth lead 4a of ignition coils (primary end)
2 Injection-plate cable channel
3 Wires to ignition coils
4 Battery positive leads
5 Relay for DME control unit
6 Relay for electric fuel pump
7 Relay for oxygen-sensor heater
8 88-pin plug-in connection for DME control unit
9 Plug-in connection for air-conditioning system
10 End-wall cable channel
11 Connections for starter
12 Battery positive lead for starter
13 Connection for diagnosis connector
14 Connection for engine connector
15 Connection for air-mass sensor
16 Connection for tank venting valve
17 Connection for catalytic converter
18 Connection for intake-air temp. sensor
19 Connection for cylinder-identification sensor
20 Connection for TDC sensor of DME
21 Connection for throttle potentiometer
22 Connection for oil-pressure switch
23 Connection for oil-level switch
24 Connection for alternator
25 Connection for coolant-temperature sensor of DME
26 Connection for telethermometer sensor
27 Connection of idle-speed actuator
28 Wiring-harness carrier on engine block
The following plug-in connections can be installed:
- VANOS control unit (tied back near oil filter).
- Knock sensors 1 and 2
CAUTION: Incorrect use of two plug-in connections will result in engine damage.
Remove or disconnect the following parts:
Refer to Service Precautions. Vehicle Damage Warnings
- Battery negative lead
- Air-intake manifold
- Release front wiring-harness at engine
- Right control-unit cover
- Right-hand engine wiring-harness
- Positive support point
- Control units
- Diagnosis socket
- Left-hand engine wiring harness
- Tank venting valve
- Battery supply lead to fuse box
- Engine connector
- Switch for reversing lights
- Automatic transmission
- Oxygen sensor
- Complete wiring harness
- Carry out operational check.