A/C - Repair Instructions Coming On Microfiche
Group 64
Heating and Air Conditioning
Bulletin Number 64 11 91 (3438)
February 1992
This Service Information bulletin supersedes S.I. 64 11 91 (3438) dated November 1991 which should be removed from your S.I. binder and discarded.
Repair lnstructions for Air Conditioning Systems-Rl34a Supplement
General Information:
Revised repair instruction have been developed for air conditioning system which use the new environment-friendly refrigerant,R134a Supplement
These revised repair instructions will appear in the following repair instructions microfiche:
BMW 3 Series E36 No. 2,
BMW 5 Series E34 No.4
BMW 7 Series E32 No.6.
BMW 8 Series E31,No. 2
The scheculed introduction dates for R134a in US and Canada vehicles are as follows:
Date Models
E31 M70 US
Mar 1992 E32 M70 US
E32 M30 US
E31 M60 US& Canada
Aug 1992 E34 All engines US & Canada
E30 Convertible US & Canada
E36 All engines US & Canada