Clutch: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, raise and support vehicle, then remove transmission, Service and Repair2. Remove clutch housing and measure height of pressure plate fingers. If deviation is greater than 0.024 inch, pressure plate should be replaced.
3. Lock flywheel with holder tool No. 11 2 160, or equivalent. Remove pressure plate bolts 1-11/2 turns at a time until tension is released.
4. Remove bolts, pressure plate, and clutch disc.
5. Check clutch disc for wear or cracks. Make sure torsional damper springs are tight and check lateral runout.
6. Inspect needle pilot bearing in crankshaft and check flywheel for cracks.
7. Inspect pressure plate for cracks, loose rivets, wear, and burnt spots. Check flatness of pressure surface.
8. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Align clutch disc with alignment tool No. 21 2 0.00, or equivalent.
b. Apply suitable grease to transmission input shaft splines.
c. Tighten pressure plate bolts to specifications.