Windshield Wiper Motor With ADV
WINDSHIELD WIPER CONSOLE AND WIPER MOTORThe windshield wiper console assembly (linkage and motor) is removed as a single unit. Once the console is removed, the wiper motor and other linkage parts can be repaired or replaced.
Windshield wiper console, removal and installation
NOTE: The wiper arms should be in the parked position before removing the wiper console. To avoid damaging the wiper arms and pivots, do not manually slide or force the wiper arm across the windshield.
Before beginning the procedure set the air ventilation flaps in the closed position. If necessary turn the ignition key on and oft with the air control/volume lever in the off position to operate the flap motor.
1. Disconnect negative (-) battery cable.
2. Remove heater blower motor.
3. Remove small cover from left side of blower motor housing. Disconnect linkage rod from beneath cover.
4. Remove temperature sensor from top blower motor housing.
5. Working inside rear of blower housing, release (pry back) spring retainers on left and right sides of housing. Remove spring clips on front of blower housing.
6. While lifting blower housing up slightly, remove inlet cowls on left and right sides. Then remove blower motor housing.
NOTE: Tilt blower motor housing out from below to remove
7. Remove bolts from wiper console.
8. Remove wiper arms as described earlier.
9. Remove left and right molding grilles at base of windshield.
NOTE: The grilles at the base ot the windshield are retained by two-piece plastic clips. Use needle nose pliers to remove the center part ot the clip and then remove the clip outer piece.
10. Remove large nuts and washers from left and right wiper arm shafts.
11. Separate harness connector at wiper motor.
12. Push wiper arm shafts down into cowl area and maneuver wiper console out of cowl.
13. Installation is the reverse of removal. Torque all fasteners to recommended toque specification. Refer to Wiper Motor, Specifications, Specifications
14. Re-install the blower motor.