Vehicle Damage Warnings
Certain vehicles include a driver's and passenger side airbag, located in the steering wheel hub and dash panels, and gas generator locking safety belts as part of the Supplemental Restraint System (SRS). Servicing, disassembling or replacing these items will require special caution and tools, and should therefore be done by a properly trained technician.
WARNING: The following safety precautions should be observed when repairing or troubleshooting on or around SRS components:
- The battery should always be disconnected and the negative battery terminal insulated before servicing, and a waiting period of approximately 5 minutes should be observed before beginning electrical work to allow the capacitor charge to dissipate.
- "Airbag" components and plugs can be recognized immediately by their orange color.
- Always use BMW testing equipment or approved equivalent for defect detection and circuit testing.
- The plug connection to the ignition pellet (before the contact ring) in the steering column should be disconnected before servicing the SRS assembly.
- The gas generator and airbag assembly should only be checked electrically with the unit(s) installed. Never attempt to electrically check a "loose" airbag.
- Components of the supplemental restraint system may not be repaired. They must always be replaced.
- Do not allow the SRS airbag assembly to come in contact with degreasing chemicals or solvents.
- Avoid temperatures above 200~F, even for brief periods.
- Airbag components which have been dropped from a height of three feet or more must under no circumstances be used again.
- During straightening work and welding work with an electric arc welder, always disconnect the battery, cover the negative terminal and disconnect the plug connection on all gas generators to ensure that the power supply to the gas generators is interrupted.
- The front passenger airbag panel on the top of the instrument panel must not be treated with adhesive, covered, altered, or adjusted in any way. No items should be placed over or on top of the panels (e.g. radar detectors, beverage holders, sunglasses) since these items could potentially strike and injure vehicle occupants in the event of a SRS deployment.