Disassembling and Assembling Starter Motor
Disassembling and Assembling Starter Motor:
NOTE: Starter motor removed
- Remove magnet switch.
- Unscrew and remove dust cap (2).
- Remove retainer (3), shim (4) and sealing ring (5).
- Check end float of armature.
- Unscrew housing screws and remove cover.
- Recesses for housing screws and insulating section must fit With one another.
- Check bearing bush and oil before installation.
- Lift spring and remove carbon brushes.
- Remove retaining plate.
- Check carbon brushes and collector for wear and repair if necessary.
- Remove terminal housing.
- Unfasten screw for engagement lever and remove rubber seal.
- Lift out armature with drive pinion and selector fork.
- Grease guide for selector fork.
- Check bearing bush on input bearing plate and oil prior to installation.
- Press back thrust ring (1) with suitable tube section.
- Press retaining rings (2) apart and pull off shaft.
- Remove burr with file and remove drive pinion (3).
- Use new retaining ring (2),
- Grease race for drive pinion.
- Check pinion for signs of wear (wear on gears/splines, bearings, freewheels) and replace if necessary.
- Check bush in Intermediate bearing and replace if necessary.