Automatic Transmission/Transaxle: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect ground cable from battery and kickdown cable from throttle lever and brackets.2. Raise and support vehicle.
3. If necessary, remove bolts securing rear stabilizer body.
4. Disconnect electrical connector and remove oxygen sensor, if applicable.
5. Disconnect exhaust pipe from manifold and remove hangers and clamps as needed, then remove exhaust system as an assembly.
6. Remove exhaust heat shield from transmission tunnel.
7. Remove bolts securing driveshaft to transmission flange and center bearing bolts, then disconnect driveshaft and position aside. During installation, ensure driveshaft is properly centered, then preload center bearing .079-.157 inch toward front of vehicle before tightening mounting bolts. Always use new nuts to secure to mounting flange.
8. Remove nuts securing shift selector cable, disconnect cable and position aside.
9. On EH transmissions,turn bayonet type connector, located above pan, counterclockwise and remove.
10. Drain transmission, remove oil filler tube, then disconnect oil cooler lines from transmission. Plug lines and all open fittings.
11. Remove flywheel dust shield if equipped, then the bolts securing torque converter to flywheel.
12. Remove speed and reference transmitters, if equipped, noting the following:
a. Mark installation position, remove retaining bolts, then withdraw sensors from flywheel housing.
Fig. 6 Speed And Reference Transmitter Installation:
b. During installation, ensure speed transmitter with black plug faces flywheel ring gear and reference transmitter with gray identification ring faces flywheel reference pin, Fig. 6.
c. Replace O-rings as needed and coat transmitters with anti-seize compound prior to installation.
d. During installation, ensure transmitters are clean and free from oil. If transmitters are dirty or are not positioned as noted, engine may not start or run properly.
13. Support transmission with jack and remove bolts securing crossmember to body.
14. Lower transmission to gain access to retaining bolts, then remove bolts securing transmission to engine.
15. Raise transmission, insert a thick block of wood (approximately 2-3 inches) between engine oil pan and crossmember, then lower engine onto block of wood.
16. Remove lower protective grille from bellhousing, if equipped, then separate transmission from engine. Ensure torque converter remains seated in transmission, then remove transmission from vehicle.
17. Reverse procedure to install.