Draining and Topping Up Coolant
Danger of scalding!
Only perform this work after engine has cooled down.
Draining coolant
Unfasten cap on expansion tank.
If necessary, remove front underbody protection from units.
Unscrew drain plug at bottom of radiator.
Replace seal.
Drain, catch and dispose of coolant.
Unfasten drain plug(s) on engine block.
Top up coolant!
Slacken vent plug (2) on expansion tank.
On vehicles with M52 engines, also unfasten additional vent screw.
Note: Turn on ignition. Set heater control to maximum temperature. Set blower to low level. This opens the heating valves and sets the auxiliary water pump in operation.
Perform filling operation slowly.
Fill up expansion tank fully and wait until bubble-free coolant emerges from vent plug.
Tighten down vent plug.