The schematics divide the entire vehicle electrical system into individual circuits. Interacting electrical components are shown on one common schematic.
Switches and other components are represented in such a way that their general layout and function are self-explicit. They are arranged on the sheet such that the current path can be followed from positive (top) to negative (bottom).
Important: The components and wires are not drawn to scale. For instance, a lead with a length of over 1m can be shown as a lead that is only a few cm long. To ensure clear arrangement, all connectors, lines branches and connected components from the fuses to the component and from the component to ground connection are not shown within the individual cells. If required, reference can be made to cells Fuse Details and Ground Distribution where all lines are illustrated with all plug connections, line branches and connected components.
All circuit symbols used are listed and explained in cell Symbols.
In the Component Location Chart all important connectors, ground points and components are listed in tabular form. It provides a precise description of the component locations in the vehicle.
In the Component Location Views the location of connectors and components which are difficult to locate are shown in line arts or illustrations. In the Splice Location Views all splices are listed in numerical order and illustrations are provided to assist in locating splices on larger harnesses. In the Connector Views diagrams of connectors with more than 2 pins are illustrated.
Included in this ETM are block diagrams. These are overviews of the entire system (EGS, ABS, AC, etc.) which helps understand the relationships between various components and control unit of the system being diagnosed.