General Information
[1][2]DME Variant Code
The variant code is a 4 digit hexadecimal (alpha-numeric) code. Like the ZCS, the variant code activates the specific market required functions of the control module. The variant code is stored in the control module once it is encoded.
Variant coding through the DIS/MoDiC applies to all M1.X (e.g. M1.3, M1.7, M1.7.2 etc.) DME control modules. M1.x DME control modules are the only DME control modules that are variant encodable.
Using the DIS/MoDiC with the [1][2]DME Programming software allows the technician to:
- code a new, uncoded control module.
- recode a previously coded control module.
The variant code is entered into the control module either by:
- Adopting the existing code from the defective DME control module (if diagnostic communication is possible).
- Manually entering the variant code.
The code generates the coding data in the DIS/MoDiC and is downloaded to the DME control module. The specific vehicle information relevant to that particular engine group is activated and the control module is ready for use.
M1.X DME control modules can be coded up to eight (8) times. The DIS/MoDiC displays the remaining number of times the control module can be recoded.
The [1][2]DME variant code should be checked and verified as correct when troubleshooting driveability complaints. An incorrectly coded DME will create unusual and difficult to diagnose problems.