Functional Description
Sunroof (ZKE/SHD):
Functional Description:
Block Diagram SHD:
Image Legend:
No. Abb. Description
1 GM General module
2 RM Relay module
5 Sunroof module with position sensor
7 Electronic power fuse relay: Driver's side K15
M24 Sunroof motor
S38 Sunroof switch
The electric sun roof is controlled and monitored by the sunroof module (SHDM). The sunroof (SHD) is connected via two data links with the general module (GM) of the ZKE II. The SHD motor is fuse protected by means of the electronic fuse relay on the driver's side (ES relay K15).
Note: For electronic power fuse, see ZKE diagnostic procedure
The sunroof is operated by way of the SHD switch. The switch switches ground to the sunroof module (SHDM).
Special Features:
Toll circuit:
When the switch for opening and closing is briefly hit, the sunroof completely opens or closes automatically (= toll circuit). This function is interrupted immediately when the SHD switch is pressed once again. The toll circuit is not effective for the "raising" function.
Central opening and closing:
The windows and the sunroof can be closed and opened by way of the door locks. For this purpose, the key must be held in the lock or unlock position for longer than 2 seconds. The sequence for the central closing function is rear power windows, front power windows, sunroof. The reverse sequence applies to central opening.
Position sensor:
The position of the sunroof is monitored by an incremental position sensor which is mounted directly on the sunroof (SHD) motor.
If battery voltage is disconnected or the general module, relay module or one of the door modules removed, the position sensors must be initialized after reconnection or reinstallation.
Check for non~initialized condition: Toll circuit not possible.
Initialization instructions:
Press SHD switch in lift position until the sunroof (SHD) is completely
raised 15 seconds afterwards.
Country-specific variants:
The country coding is achieved by way of the software in the ZKE coding data.