Checking Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure
- Install BMW Service Tester, DIS tester or special tool 13 3 060 with connecting line and T-section 13 3 064 in the fuel delivery line between fuel filter and pressure regulator.
CAUTION: Fuel in fuel lines is under pressure (approx. 3 bar)! Catch and dispose off escaping fuel.
Installation Note: Replace fuel line and hose clips.
Without Pressure Connection On Injector Strip:
Image Legend:
1 = Inlet line linking engine block with fuel filter on body.
2 = Return line.
- Connect up DIS.
- Cut through fuel line (delivery) and install special tool 13 6 056/057 between both open ends of the fuel line.
CAUTION: Fuel in fuel lines is under pressure (approx. 3 bar)! Catch and dispose off escaping fuel.
Installation Note: Replace fuel line and hose clips.
- Connect special tool 13 6 056/057 (T-piece) to special tool 13 6 055 (reducer) and special tool 13 6 051 (hose with quick release coupling).
- Connect special tool 13 6 051 with fast-release coupling to pressure sensor on DIS.
CAUTION: Note when removing special tool! Fuel in fuel lines is under pressure (approx. 3 bar)! Catch and dispose off escaping fuel.
- For subsequent tests, prepare special tool 13 3 010.
- For subsequent procedure with tests, refer to Notes on Fuel Pressure Check (Reference Pressure: Intake Manifold Pressure).
Flow of Diagnosis
With Quick-release Couplings On Fuel Filter:
- Unfasten screws and remove cover of fuel filter.
- Open quick-release coupling (1) of fuel hose to injector strip on outlet of fuel filter (1).
- Install special tool 13 5 270 between fuel filter and disconnected fuel hose (2).
- Connect DIS pressure sensor (3) to special tool 13 5 270.
- For subsequent procedure with tests, refer to Notes on Fuel Pressure Check (Reference Pressure: Intake Manifold Pressure).
Flow of Diagnosis
With Pressure Connection On Injector Strip:
- Remove dust cap (1).
- Connect special tool 13 5 220 to pressure sensor on DIS.
- Remove hose for crankcase ventilation from cylinder- head cover if necessary. After installing special tool, reinstall hose on cylinder-head cover.
- Fit special tool 13 5 220 to injector strip and tighten down firmly to ensure O-ring seals in special tool.
- Unscrew non-return valve (1) on special tool to ensure that valve in fuel rail is closed.
- Switch on engine and screw in non-return valve (1) on special tool until pressure gauge produces a pressure reading. Never screw in non-return valve up to mechanical stop, as the valve in the injector strip could be damaged.
Removing Special Tool:
- Switch off engine.
- Screw out non-return valve again completely, disconnect special tool from injector Strip, catch exiting fuel residues and dispose off.
- For subsequent procedure with tests, refer to Notes on Fuel Pressure Check (Reference Pressure: Intake Manifold Pressure).
Flow of Diagnosis
Image Legend:
1. Relay for oxygen-sensor heating
2. Master relay for Digital Engine Electronics (DME)
3. Fuel pump relay
- Pull off fuel pump relay (3)
- Connect special tool 61 3 050 to terminal 87b and terminal 30.
- Press button and read delivery pressure of fuel pump off pressure gauge.
Operating Pressure: