Maintenance: Service and Repair
RESET PROCEDURE1. Turn "Off" all accessories and place the ignition switch in "On" position, engine not operating.
20 Pin Diagnostic Connector:
BMW Special Tool: Service Interval Indicator Reset Tool:
2. Position reset tool No. 62-1-100 and adapter No. 62-1-142 or equivalents, if necessary, into diagnostic connector.
3. To reset indicators after performing an engine oil and filter change, depress and hold YELLOW OIL SERVICE BUTTON of reset tool. Green function control lamp should be illuminated. After approximately 10 seconds, the yellow lamp should illuminate for approximately 3 seconds and then turn "Off". Release tool oil service button, then check instrument panel LEDs. All green LED's should be "On" and red and yellow LEDs and the OIL SERVICE indicator should be "Off", however, mileage memory will continue to accumulate for the INSPECTION service.
4. To reset indicators after performing an inspection procedure, depress and hold RED INSPECTION BUTTON of reset tool. Green function control lamp should be illuminated. After approximately 3 seconds, the red lamp should illuminate for approximately 12 seconds and then turn "Off". Release tool inspection button, then check instrument panel LEDs. All five green LEDs should be "On" and red and yellow LEDs and the INSPECTION indicator should be "Off". Mileage memory will be cleared.