Without "M" Sports Package
WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONSNote: Given specifications are for car loaded down to normal position. Refer to Inspection Conditions Inspection Conditions
Front Axle
Total toe 0°5' ± 10'
Camber, [1] -36' ± 30'
Track difference with 20° inside wheel lock -1°56' ± 30'
Caster, [2]
With ± 10° wheel lock 6°41' ± 30'
With ± 20° wheel lock 6°55' ± 30'
Front wheel displacement 0° ± 15'
Max. Wheel Lock
Inside Wheel approx. 41.5°
Outside Wheel approx. 33°
Rear Axle
Total toe
Alignment check 0°16' ± 12'
Adjustment 0°22' ± 4'
Camber, [3]
Alignment check -2°10' ± 25'
Adjustment -2°04' ± 5'
Geometric axis deviation 0° ± 12'
[1] Difference between left/right max. 40'
[2] Difference between left/right max. 30'
[3] Difference between left/right max. 15'