Floating Caliper
Note: After finishing work:
- Operate brake pedal several times to move brake linings against brake disks.
- When installing new brake linings on front and rear axles, it is essential to top up brake fluid level to "MAX" mark.
- Hold ignition key for at least 30 seconds in position " 1 " without starting engine.
This clears a faulty entry in the RAM.
This prevents the brake wear warning lamp from lighting up again.
Remove wheels, refer to Steering and Suspension.
Lift out retaining spring (1).
Left: Disconnect plug connection for brake lining wear indicator.
Remove plastic plugs (2).
Lift brake hose out of bracket.
Unfasten guide screws (1) and lift out brake caliper towards rear of vehicle.
Only clean guide screws; do not grease. Check threads.
Replace all guide screws which are not in perfect condition. Tightening Torque, refer to Brakes, Specifications.
Turn piston fully back with special tool 34 1 050.
Caution: When forcing piston back:
- Observe brake fluid level in supply tank; overflowing brake fluid destroys paintwork.
Remove outer brake lining.
Inner brake lining is located with its spring in the piston.
Caution: Mark any worn brake linings.
In the event of one-sided brake lining wear, do not change brake linings round. New brake linings may only be installed if the brake disk thickness is greater than or equal to the Minimum Thickness (MIN TH), refer to Brakes, Specifications. Note minimum thickness of brake linings, refer to Brakes, Specifications. Clean brake linings. Do not apply grease to brake lining backplate.
Check dust sleeve (1) for damage and replace if necessary.
Clean contact surfaces (2) of brake piston and coat with a thin layer of anti-squeak compound.
Anti-squeak compound, or equivalent.
Caution: Dust sleeve must not come into contact with anti-squeak compound as it may cause dust sleeve to expand.
Clean contact surfaces (1) - 2) of brake-lining tee heads/brake caliper housing and coat with anti-squeak compound.
Anti-squeak compound, or equivalent.
Note: Grease contact surfaces on brake caliper at top and bottom.
Clean contact surfaces (3) of brake caliper and coat with a thin layer of anti-squeak compound.
Anti-squeak compound, or equivalent.
Clean hammer head guides on brake caliper holders and coat with a thin layer of anti-squeak compound.
Anti-squeak compound, or equivalent.