Redundant Data Storage
Redundant Data Storage
Specific information is stored redundantly in the instrument cluster and in the Light Switch Module. The data stored redundantly includes:
- Total Mileage
- Service Interval data
The redundant storage of this information allows for the replacement of a module without the loss of the total mileage accumulated or the loss of the SI data.
The data is compared each time KL 15 is switched on. If the data does not match, the manipulation dot in the mileage display block will be illuminated.
The following points must be noted with regards to the redundant storage of this data.
1. If the vehicle ID number is not the same in both modules, the manipulation dot is illuminated. All functions of both modules continue to operate.
2. Data will only be transferred from the LSZ to the cluster if the ID numbers match and the cluster mileage is zero.
3. The VIN is entered in the cluster through coding and will only be accepted when the cluster mileage is zero.
4. The stored mileage in the LSZ can only be overwritten by a higher mileage.
5. If the two mileage values stored vary by more than 120, and the VINs are the same, the cluster will continue to accumulate mileage and a fault will be stored in the cluster for data transfer.
6. If the K-Bus link fails, the cluster will continue to store mileage and set a fault for the Bus link.
New components should only be installed for replacement purposes and not for use as test components for diagnosis as miles will accumulate if the vehicle is driven for road testing purposes.