Extension Housing Seal, M/T
Note: After completing work, check transmission oil level and top up if necessary.Remove complete exhaust system.
Remove heat shield (1).
Remove left and right heat shields.
Unclip cables from Lambda oxygen sensors and reversing light switch on crossmember.
Support transmission with a workshop hoist.
Unfasten screws and remove crossmember.
Tightening Torque, refer to Manual Transmission/Transaxle, Specifications.
Unflange propeller shaft from transmission and tie up to one side.
Lift out retaining plate (1) with a screwdriver.
Drive in retaining plate (1) with special tool 23 2 470.
Brace output flange with special tool 23 0 020 and unfasten collar nut (1) with special tool 23 2 320.
Tightening Torque, refer to Manual Transmission/Transaxle, Specifications.
Coat thread (1) with Loctite 243 screw adhesive.
Coat sealing surface (2) with Loctite 518 sealant.
Remove shims.
Note: If a new output flange is installed, shim thickness must be recalculated, refer to Output Yoke M/T, Service and Repair.
Remove output flange with standard extractor tool.
Note: If there are severe traces of wear on the output flange, install a new output flange and recalculate the shims, refer to Output Yoke M/T, Service and Repair.
Coat sealing lips of radial seal, sealing face of output flange and spline shaft with transmission oil.
Press-fit output flange with special tool 23 3 010 and tighten down to a torque of 200 Nm.
Brace output flange with special tool 23 0 020.
Screw special tool 23 3 012 on to output shaft.
Remove radial seal with special tool 00 5 010.
Drive radial seal firmly home with special tool 23 2 480.
Note: Use plastic hammer to drive home.