Signal Names With T
T1 Gong T1
T104 Auxiliary Fan, Speed 2, 104 Degrees C
T2 Gong T2
T3 Gong T3
T91 Auxiliary Fan, Speed 1, 91 Degrees C
T99 Auxiliary Fan, Speed 2, 99 Degrees C
TAA Speedo 0 (Output), Vehicle Speed
TANK-LEE Gas Tank Empty
TANK1+ Fuel-Level Sensor (Right)
TANK1- Ground, Fuel-Level Sensor (Right)
TANK2+ Fuel-Level Sensor (Left)
TANK2- Ground, Fuel-Level Sensor (Left)
TAPEL+ Signal, Audio Cassette, Left +
TAPEL- Signal, Audio Cassette, Left -
TAPER+ Signal, Audio Cassette, Right +
TAPER- Signal, Audio Cassette, Right -
TELE Telephone On
TELM Telephone Mute
TELNF+ Telephone AF +
TELNF- Telephone AF -
TGKFT Door-Handle Contact, Driver's Door
TKBH Door Contact, Passenger-Side, Rear
TKBT Door Contact, Passenger's Door
TKFH Door Contact, Driver-Side, Rear
TKFT Door Contact, Driver's Door
TLH+ Woofer, Rear Left +
TLH- Woofer, Rear Left -
TLV+ Woofer, Front Left+
TLV- Woofer, Front Left -
TOEHK Button, Open Tailgate
TOEHKI Button, Open Tailgate From Inside
TOEHKK Button, Close/Open Tailgate, Inside
TOEHS Button, Open Rear Window
TRG Magnetic clutch, A/C Compressor
TRH+ Woofer, Rear Right +
TRH- Woofer, Rear Right -
TRV+ Woofer, Front Right +
TRV- Woofer, Front Right -
TSH Door-Lock Heating
TSL1 Cat. Thermosensor, Left Bank, Connec. 1
TSL2 Cat. Thermosensor, Left Bank, Connec. 2
TSR1 Cat. Thermosensor, Right Bank, Connec. 1
TSR2 Cat. Thermosensor, Right Bank, Connec. 2
TVNF+ Television AF Signal +
TVNF- Television AF Signal -
TWBF Door-Warning Light, Passenger
TWFA Door-Warning Light, Driver
TWL Door-Warning Light, Rear Left
TXD2_0BD Connection, Diagnosis -> OBD II Socket
TXD Diagnosis TxD
TZV Button, Central Locking
T_AGR Activation, Exhaust Gas Recirculation
T_AGR1 Activation, Exhaust Gas Recirculation 1
T_AGR2 Activation, Exhaust Gas Recircualtion 2
T_AKU Intake-Port Switchover (PWM)
T_DK1C1A Throttle V. 1 Cos.Wind. 1 - Connec. A
T_DK1C1B Throttle V. 1 Cos.Wind. 1 - Connec. B
T_DK1C2A Throttle V. 1 Cos.Wind. 2- Connec. A
T_DK1C2B Throttle V. 1 Cos.Wind. 2- Connec. B
T_DK1S1A Throttle V. 1 Sin.Wind. 1 - Connec. A
T_DK1S1B Throttle V. 1 Sin.Wind. 1 - Connec. B
T_DK1S2A Throttle V. 1 Sin.Wind. 2- Connec. A
T_DK1S2B Throttle V. 1 Sin.Wind. 2- Connec. B
T_DK2C1A Throttle V. 2 Cos.Wind. 1 - Connec. A
T_DK2C1B Throttle V. 2 Cos.Wind. 1 - Connec. B
T_DK2C2A Throttle V. 2 Cos.Wind. 2 - Connec. A
T_DK2C2B Throttle V. 2 Cos.Wind. 2 - Connec. B
T_DK2S1A Throttle V. 2 Sin.Wind. 1 - Connec. A
T_DK2S1B Throttle V. 2 Sin.Wind. 1 - Connec. B
T_DK2S2A Throttle V. 2 Sin.Wind. 2 - Connec. A
T_DK2S2B Throttle V. 2 Sin.Wind. 2 - Connec. B
T_DKS Activation, Swirl Flaps
T_DKT Throttle-Valve Interface For ADS
T_DRV Activation, Rail-Pressure Control Valve
T_EDS1 Electr. Press. Actuator 1 (Sys.Press.)
T_EDS2 Electr. Press. Actuator 2
T_EDS3 Electr. Press. Actuator 3
T_EDS4 Electr. Press. Actuator 4 (Conv.L.Cl.)
T_EDS5 Electr. Press. Actuator 5
T_ELUE Activation, Electric Fan
T_KVA Injection Signal
T_KVA2 Injection Signal 2, 12-Cyl.
T_LDP Leak Detection Pump, Activation
T_LHH1 Oxy-Sensor Heat. After Cat., Right Bank
T_LHH2 Oxy-Sensor Heat. After Cat., Left Bank
T_LHV1 Oxy-Sensor Heat Before Cat., Right Bank
T_LHV2 Oxy-Sensor Heat Before Cat., Left Bank
T_LLFSO Open Idle Actuator
T_LLFSS Close Idle Actuator
T_MDK1 Servomotor, Throttle Valve, Connec. 1
T_MDK2 Servomotor, Throttle Valve, Connec. 2
T_MRV Activation, Delivery Control Valve
T_NOX NOX Catalytic Converter (PZM)
T_NWA1 VANOS Valve, Exhaust Camshaft 1
T_NWA2 VANOS Valve, Exhaust Camshaft 2
T_NWE1 VANOS Valve, Intake Camshaft 1
T_NWE2 VANOS Valve, Intake Camshaft 2
T_RFG Soot-Filter Regen.(PWM) With Meter. Pump
T_RDR Activation, Rail Pressure Control Valve
T_SLPV1 O.-I.-Controlled Secondary Air Pump
T_TEV Tank-Ventilation Valve
T_TEV_L Tank-Ventilation Valve, Left
T_TEV_R Tank-Ventilation Valve, Right
T_VAG Variable Unit Drive (PWM)
T_VNT Activation, Turbocharger Control
T_VNT1 Activation, Turbocharger Control 1
T_VNT2 Activation, Turbocharger Control 2