Battery: Description and Operation
General Information On Car Battery
Important Before Disconnecting Battery!
There is a danger of mixing up battery leads: If the battery positive and negative leads are the same color and you are in doubt, follow the polarity to the battery, then mark and cover the leads.
Disconnecting the battery will clear the fault memories of the control units. For this reason, it is important to first read fault memories and have any faults printed.
The radio can only be put back into service after battery disconnection by keying the radio code back in. For this reason, obtain the radio code card from the customer before starting work. Note down programmed stations and store these stations back in memory once the battery has been reconnected.
Stored settings of the on-board computer and clock will also be lost.
On cars with infrared sender locking systems, all the available keys must be recoded.
Important After Connecting Battery!
On some models, power windows and slide/tilt sunroof must be reinitialized.