Bleeding Cooling System
Caution: These bleeding instructions only apply to vehicles without a latent heat accumulator.
On vehicles with a latent heat accumulator, observe bleeding routine.
On vehicles with park heating, observe additional bleeding routine.
Warning: Danger of scalding!
Only perform this work after engine has cooled down.
Check cooling system for leaks.
Fill and vent cooling system.
Open sealing cap. Set heater control to maximum temperature. Set blower to low level. This opens the heating valves and sets the auxiliary water pump in operation. Run engine and briefly press accelerator pedal three to four times (approx. 4500 to 5000 rpm) to flush engine cooling circuit. In doing so, do not run engine for longer than approx. 30 seconds; otherwise coolant will heat up and expand. If the coolant level drops in the expansion tank during this operation, top up expansion tank with coolant up to edge. Screw on sealing cap and warm up engine until thermostat opens.
Transparent Expansion Tank
Allow engine to cool down before checking coolant level. Coolant temperature must not exceed 30°C. If ambient temperature exceeds 30°C, allow engine to cool down at least to ambient temperature.
Check coolant level, top up coolant if necessary until fluid level is in line with marking on expansion tank.
Note: The tank mark indicates the fluid level at approx. 20°C. Use only recommended coolant.
Black Expansion Tank
Allow engine to cool down before checking coolant level. Coolant temperature must not exceed 30°C. If ambient temperature exceeds 30°C, allow engine to cool down at least to ambient temperature.
Check coolant level, top up coolant if necessary until fluid level is in line with marking on expansion tank.
Note: The tank mark indicates the fluid level at approx. 20°C.
Use only recommended coolant.