General Conventions
General Conventions
General conventions can be explained based on the following schematic example.
1. Switches and relays are always shown in rest position (e.g. K11).
2. A component shown in a dashed frame signifies that the component is illustrated only in part (e.g. P90 and P91).
3. A component shown in a completely drawn frame signifies that the component is illustrated in full (e.g. K11).
4. The dashed line between pin 8 and pin 6 of connector X293 indicates that both pins belong to connector X293.
5. The dashed line from fuse F1 to pin 8 of connector X293 shows the positive supply of relay K11. If required, refer to Fuse Details at fuse F1 for the complete line progressing with plug connections, line branches, wire colors and cross sections.
6. The dashed line with an arrow at splice X452 indicates that several wires lead to splice X452. All lines leading to the connection are illustrated in Central Body Electronics (ZKE). An interrupted line with an arrow indicates that only this one wire leads to another circuit.
7. The dashed line from pin 4 of connector X293 to ground X493 shows the ground supply for relay k11. If required, refer to Ground Distribution at ground X493 for the complete line progression with all plug connections, line branches, wire colors, and cross sections.
8. The interrupted line from splice X452 with an A in the open arrow is continued on following image.
Termination of wire 4 VI/SW from splice X452 with a wavy line indicates that the wire is continued on the next image.