Amperage Testing
Amperage Testing
Amperage Testing:
To measure amperage the meter must be installed in series in the circuit. The current flow of the circuit must flow through the meter itself.
Current must be flowing in the circuit.
Installing the meter in parallel with the circuit may cause damage to the meter, because of the increased current flow in the circuit, due to the low resistance in the meter.
CAUTION: Most ampere meters or DVOMs are rated for no more than 10 amps. Current flow above 10 amps will damage the internal fuse of the DVOM and render it unable to measure amperage.
Typical Application of Amperage Testing
- Proper Component Operation (Correct Current Draw).
- Parasitic Draw Testing.
- Select proper function of DVOM and move leads to proper position.
- Connect meter in series with (+) lead on the B+ side of the circuit.
- Connect (-) lead of meter to complete circuit.
If the expected load may exceed the range of the meter: use a meter with a higher range (DiSplus inductive pick-up) for initial testing.
Refer to ETM for convenient location to apply meter (e.g. across fuse terminals).
DVOM will indicate current flow (Amps) through circuit.