Wheels: Specifications
Wheels All One-Part Alloy Wheels
Max. radial runout of tire (Rim with tire) max. mm 1.1
Max. axial runout or tire (Rim with tire) max. mm 1.3
Max. radial runout out rim max. mm 0.3
Max. axial runout of rim max. mm 0.3
Max. imbalance for each side before balancing:
Clamp weights g 90
Stick-on weights g 120
Permissible residual imbalance for each side:
After balancing max. g 4
Elimination of imbalance:
Up to 60 g with one weight or more than 60 g with two weights
Wheels All Steel and aluminum strip wheels
Max. radial runout of tire (Rim with tire) max. mm 1.6
Max. axial runout or tire (Rim with tire) max. mm 1.8
Max. radial runout out rim max. mm 0.8
Max. axial runout of rim max. mm 0.8
Max. imbalance for each side before balancing:
Clamp weights g 90
Stick-on weights g 120
Permissible residual imbalance for each side:
After balancing max. g 4
Elimination of imbalance:
Up to 60 g with one weight or more than 60 g with two weights
Wheels All two-part alloy wheels
Max. radial runout of tire (Rim with tire) max. mm 1.3
Max. axial runout or tire (Rim with tire) max. mm 1.5
Max. radial runout out rim max. mm 0.5
Max. axial runout of rim max. mm 0.5
Max. imbalance for each side before balancing:
Clamp weights g 90
Stick-on weights g 120
Permissible residual imbalance for each side:
After balancing max. g 4
Elimination of imbalance:
Up to 60 g with one weight or more than 60 g with two weights
Wheel bolts All 100 +/- 10 Nm