Free Wheel Clutches
Free Wheel Clutches (Sprag Type):
Free wheel clutches spin freely in one direction and lock in the opposite direction.
They consist of an inner race, an outer race and the sprag assembly.
The sprag assembly contains individual, asymmetrically shaped wedges (sprags).
- When the inner race is driven, the sprags allow free wheel rotation. There is no effect on the outer race.
- When the outer race is driven, the sprags wedge between the inner and outer races causing them to lock. The inner race is then driven by the outer race.
Free wheel clutches are used to:
- hold components stationary,
- drive components when driven
- free wheel, allowing power to spin the inner or outer race without an output reaction.
The A5S 360R utilizes four Free Wheel clutches to perform various shifting and component holding functions during the delayed, cushioned multi plate clutch engagement preventing an interruption in the power flow during upshifts.
The clutches are identified as FW1, FW2, FW3 and FW4.