Removing and Installing/Replacing Mirror on Left or Right Front Door
51 16 000 - Removing and installing/replacing mirror on left or right front door
Necessary preliminary tasks:
- Partially lever out cover on inner door window frame Removing and Installing/Replacing Housing Cover on Inner Left or Right Door Window Frame in area at front.
Disconnect plug connection (1).
Unlock plug connections (2) and disconnect from control unit (3).
Press cover (1) to one side.
Press rubber grommet (2) outwards.
Release screws (3) and feed out mirror (4) with cable.
Tightening torque 51 16 1AZ [1][2][3]Mirrors.
Replacement only:
Due to the thread-tapping screws, the tightening torque of the new mirror is increased by 2 Nm.
Tightening torque 51 16 1AZ [1][2][3]Mirrors.
Following parts of mirror must not be damaged or missing:
- Seal on mirror base plate
- Sound insulation in front door
Carry out function check.