Exhaust System: Description and Operation
DescriptionThe E60 530i is equipped with the M54 engine. The M54 engine is adapted for use in the E60 and the changes include:
Engine peripherals
Fresh air system Cooling system
Exhaust system
Ancillary components and belt drive
Cooling module (without viscous fan)
MS45.1 Engine Management System
Fuel system
Technical Data
System Components
Fresh Air System
Hot Film Air Mass Sensor (HFM)
The HFM is a compact plug in design, it is mounted directly into the clean air outlet of the air filter housing. This design eliminates the grille in front of the HFM. This reduces flow resistance in the air intake ducting, resulting in lower fuel consumption.
Air Filter
The intake air filter housing has a volume of approximately 13 litres.
Exhaust System
The E60 exhaust system has been specifically developed for the M54 engine.
The exhaust system is made of stainless steel and is designed as a single unit up to the exhaust manifolds. The exhaust system consists of a middle silencer with a volume of 4.8 litres and a rear silencer with a volume of 26.2 litres.
Note: Regarding service repairs, the middle and rear silencers can be ordered and replaced separately.
The shape of the stainless steel exhaust system is the same up to the exhaust manifolds for all engine (M54) and transmission variants.
Exhaust Manifolds
The exhaust manifolds with upstream catalytic converters have been used in previous M54 applications.
Depending on the exhaust emissions legislation, the exhaust manifolds have different catalyst coatings (world wide).
Ancillary Components and Belt Drive
The alternator is fitted with a deflection pulley. The width of the ribbed V-Belt for the A/C compressor drive has been reduced from 5 to 4 ribs.
A Bosch alternator (1) with a charging current of 140 A is used on the M54. Due to the high alternator output, the alternator is fitted with a deflection pulley (2) for the ribbed V-Belt.
The deflection pulley is a component part of the alternator and ensures that the ribbed V-Belt is looped to better effect round the alternator pulley.
Cooling System
Only the modifications to the cooling system of the M54 for use in the E60 are addressed. The cooling module is similar in design to the E65. The transmission oil cooler for the automatic transmission is identical to that of the E65. An engine oil cooler end viscous fan are not used in the E60 with M54 engine. No modifications have been made to the cooling system on the engine side.
New Features
^ Coolant expansion tank with facility for draining off leakage at the expansion tank cap.
^ Lifetime coolant, routine flushing is not required.
The electric fan is mounted on the fan cowl and acts by drawing air through the radiator. The speed is variably regulated by the ECM.
Note: Automatic transmission equipped E60�s with M54 have a 600 W fan.
The coolant expansion tank is located outside the cooling module on the right hand strut tower. The tank is made of black plastic and incorporates a float rod with min. and max. markings to determine the coolant level. A float with a reed contact is located in the base of the tank for the low level warning.
The cap on the expansion tank limits the pressure in the cooling system. The cap incorporates two valves. The pressure relief valve opens from a cooling system pressure of 2 bar. The vacuum valve opens in the event of a small vacuum pressure in the cooling system.
Note: The opening pressures of the cap for the coolant expansion tank differ depending on the type of engine used. The caps for the coolant expansion tank are engine specific and must not be mixed up. The value of the opening pressure is cast into the inside of the cap and can be read off there (e.g. 200 = 2 bar opening pressure).
When the cap opens at a system pressure of 2 bar, it allows pressure to escape and with it coolant from the side. In the previous model series, the coolant left behind contaminants on the expansion tank.
The coolant expansion tank of the E60 is provided with a drain edge all round the cap. This drain edge serves to catch the escaping coolant.
Inside the drain edge is a drain channel which passes through the expansion tank. The escaping coolant is routed through this drain channel to the righthand wheel arch trim, where it evaporates.
Electric Fan Removal
The electric fan can be removed without removing the coolant connection (1) and the mounting plate with thermostat (3).
1. Remove the top connecting plate (complete vehicle section) and radiator top cover.
2. lift the fan (slightly) out of the un shaped retaining brackets left and right) and fold in the Hinged tab left side anew) to gain clearance.
3. Then the electric fan can be removed the rest of the way. The electric fan motor (2) remains in place until the fan assembly is removed from vehicle.
Note: When installing electric fan, remember to unfold the hinged tab before fitting into U shaped brackets.