Alarm System - Interior Sensor Wiring Missing
SI B 65 24 06October 2006
Sound System, Cruise, Alarms, Monitors
Technical Service
This Service Information bulletin supersedes S.M. B65 210 05 dated June 2005.
Rear Interior Sensor Wiring Missing
E46 Convertible
Cannot find wiring/connector for the rear interior sensor when installing alarm system (DWA)
Wiring harness manufacturing fault
If harness connector for the rear interior sensor cannot be located, check pin 19 X254 at the General Module (A1). If there is no wire at pin 19, make a supplementary harness for the rear interior sensor (A123) as follows:
Run wire from GM X254 pin 19 to new rear interior sensor 4-pin connector X1644 pin3. Run wires from pins 1, 2 and 4 of X1644 and, using Quick Connects splice into pins 1, 2 and 4 of the front interior sensor (A121) harness at X1582.
Pin 1 (X1644) to pin 1 (X1582)
Pin 2 (X1644) to pin 2 (X1582)
Pin 4 (X1644) to pin 4 (X1582)
Refer to ETM for additional wiring/component location information