Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Engine Controls - Progman(R) V22.1/V22.1.1 and V22.1.2

August 2006
Technical Service

SI B 09 16 06
Programming/Coding Explanation

Release Notes Progman V22.1 and V22.1.1 and V22.1.2


Progman V22.1 and V22.1.1 and V22.1.2 have been released. Certain errors may occur during installation or usage.

Software error

The following issues are currently known:

1. "Back" button is missing after the "Change" button in the menu bar has been selected.

2. An incorrect CIP version may be displayed on the "Online update" screen after a JETStream update.

3. It may no longer be possible to use the GT1 after selecting "Update software".

4. In some cases, no status display (white screen) appears for a few minutes if a measures plan is cancelled.

5. No FASTA data has been transferred for a long period of time.

6. SSS enters service mode during the day, and it is no longer possible to start a session.

7. The user interface may show "# 4" following a full installation using Progman V22.0

8. The following error message may be displayed when an SSS is selected with GT1 or DISplus: "The document contained no data. Please try again later or contact the server administrator."

9. If a vehicle order is imported from a diskette that cannot be read "diskette not inserted, vehicle order not valid, etc." error message is displayed. The next screen does not appear for a few minutes after a button is pressed.

10. If SSS name is changed it causes the SSS to reboot. After rebooting the new SSS name is then displayed on the "SSS overview" screen but not transferred to the JETstream server. The workshop personnel are NOT restricted in their work, but they do see an incorrect SSS name on the JETstream management console.

11. E36: Coding of the ASC control unit following an ECU replacement may abort with error 1080 (CoApi) - incorrect coding key.

12. E36: The last digit is not displayed when codes are entered using the virtual keyboard.

13. E36: It is not possible to update the programming of the EPROM (DME MDS41.0 EPROM).

14. E36 / E38 / E39 / E46 / E52 / E53: Retrofits and conversions may or may not be offered on vehicles with ZCS, even if they are not valid for the vehicle concerned.

15. <=E53: Vehicle information may be exchanged between two sessions running simultaneously for vehicle series with ZCS code. In addition various errors may occur in the handling of older series with Progman (especially during replacement of control units).

16. E60/E90: On CCC vehicles, there is a possibility that the MOST ECUs can only be flash programmed using DIAGBUS.

17. E60/E65/E90: The FDM (Flexible Diagnostics Module) retrofit cannot be carried out successfully because the FDM control unit does not respond correctly.

18. E9x/E6x/E65: At present, the TEL repair (NAD) can only be carried out using the SSS. Operation using GT1 or DISplus is not possible.

19. E65/E60/E61/E63/E64: The measures plan states that enabling codes must be imported even though neither the NVE control unit nor the night vision camera need to be re-enabled

20. E85: EPS encoding may not work after programming.

21. E90: service function for "LWS" may not work.


1. Button is hidden behind the "Minimize" button, no workaround.

2. Ignore the incorrect CIP version displayed.

3. Proceed as follows: 1. Disconnect the GT1 cable and wait until an error message notifies you of the loss of connection. 2. Reconnect the cable. 3. Update the SSS list. 4. Select the SSS again and end the session in the usual way.

4. Wait until the next screen appears. This may take a few minutes.

5. Check all FASTA and online service settings. If everything is correct, reinstall Progman. However, the existing FASTA data will be lost.

6. Go to "Operating State" on the SSS, press "Cancel" and wait about 1-2 minutes.

7. Restart the system manually.

8. Do not touch the button repeatedly as the link with the SSS is being established. A successful transfer is indicated by a light gray bar in the top right corner.

9. Wait for the next screen.

10. After a change in the SSS name, call up the "Dealership data" screen. Carry out a manual transfer of the dealership data and reboot SSS.

11. No workaround currently available.

12. Ignore the display. Code is still accepted even though it is not shown.

13. No workaround possible.

14. Ignore the retrofit and conversions offered in error.

15. Only one vehicle of these older series per SSS may be connected and handled. Especially if a control unit is being replaced.

16. Workaround possible by means of data modification. Consequently, the MOST ECU on CCC vehicles can only be programmed via the MOST.

17. The FDM retrofit is not currently available for customer vehicles.

18. Only the SSS may be used for the TEL repair process.

19. If night vision camera functions correctly, it is not necessary to import a new enabling code.

20. Reprogramming module.

21. Repeat service function for "LWS"

Additional notes:
All: A MOST connection must be established between the OP(P)S and the vehicle when programming vehicles with a MOST bus.

E65: A battery reset must be carried out after programming a vehicle produced 03/05 or later if CD (Control Display) was part of the measures plan. However, oil level information will then be lost => Solution: run the engine at idling speed for 20 minutes.

E65: In isolated cases, the DME control unit for 12-cylinder engines aborts programming with error code "2082 Error clearing flash". This concerns control units with HW* number 7537117 (integration level E065-03-12-500 to E065-05-03-810) and earlier. The control unit then no longer responds. Workaround: power reset.
