Test Report
Test Report
Calibration of Eccentric Shafts:
- Calibration angle cylinders 1 - 4: (#abgleichwinkel_zyl_1_4#) degrees
- Calibration angle cylinders 5 - 8: (#abgleichwinkel_zyl_5_8#) degrees
Compression Check At Minimum Lift:
- Date and time: (#datummin#)(#zeitmin#)
- Speeds during the measurement (start, end and average): (#adrzmin#), (#edrzmin#), (#mdrzmin#) rpm
- Measurement OK/nOK: (#status_messung_min#)
During the compression check, the calibration of the eccentric shafts is switched off. This is why the two cylinder banks have to be examined separately.
- Mean value of compressions for cylinders 1-4: (#mwmin1#)
- Mean value of compressions for cylinders 5-8: (#mwmin2#)
Compression Check At Maximum Lift:
- Date and time: (#datummax#)(#zeitmax#)
- Speeds during the measurement (start, end and average): (#adrzmax#), (#edrzmax#), (#mdrzmax#) rpm
- Measurement OK/nOK: (#status_messung_max#)
- Maximum deviation cyl. 1-8: (#deltamax#)
Smooth-running values: